Eliza, on a cold morning, looking like a wookie from Star Wars! :)
Stomping around and singing loudly!
My poor Poppaw, fishing his model airplane out of a tree....he was trying to entertain my nephews on a cold, windy morning, and this is what came of it.

Can you believe the amount of icing on this cake? I cannot believe it was on the 40% off cart! YUM!

One cool chick!

Wow....lots of dirt going on here...

Eliza loves nothing more than to sit on a very tiny perch. :)

There are just no words for this one....sigh....should probably start breaking this habit soon, instead of laughing, pointing and taking pictures...
More to come soon!
Maybe she's going to be a singer like her momma! :) And I love the fingers up both nostrils :) It just made me think of senior year in Yearbook when I stuck M&M's up my nose for you- and had a scare when I thought 1 was stuck :) Maybe I'll bring Copper over to play with her again soon, and jerk her around with his leash.