Monday, February 15, 2010

Overheard... [A Forgotten Post]

Okay, this is crazy: I just realized I never posted this, which I wrote over a year ago and fully intended to edit/add to. It's so funny to re-read where we were and what life with Eliza was like, just before Owen was born. Read on and enjoy...:)

I think I say it to myself every 6 months, but I really love this phase that Eliza's in right now. The good thing about her speech becoming so clear is that we can have so much fun with her; the bad thing about her speech still not being perfect is that she unleashes her fury when she is not understood! Of course, the daughter of a speech therapist has little tolerance for a mother who can't find a way to communicate effectively with her. :) Here are some things we HAVE been able to understand lately that have made us laugh:

[As Adam is getting her bath ready]
Me: Adam, I think Eliza's not feeling so hot, so you may want to make bathtime short.
Adam: Eliza, are you feeling a little bit sick?
Eliza: Mm-hmm...I'm sick of MOMMY.

Amen, Eliza. Amen. I'm sick of being Mommy, too....and after a day like today, you're not exactly my very favorite person right this moment, either.

[Earlier, I had goofily told Eliza that it makes Mommy happy when she sings the song "Jingle Bells" .....This exchange was again, at bathtime, once she realizes I'm the one bathing her that night...]
Eliza: Daddy?
Me: Daddy went to his soccer game, honey. Mommy's doing bathtime tonight.
Eliza: I no like Mommy help me with bath.
Me: Oh, Eliza, that makes Mommy very sad.
Eliza: [with head down, scowling, under her breath] Jingle Bells.

[In Adam's bathroom downstairs, Eliza comes running in after me]
Eliza: [stares at me for a moment as I do my business] Momma no have a wee-wee.
Me: No, Eliza, Mommy doesn't have a wee-wee.
Eliza: Dada have a wee-wee, Ben and Jakey have a wee-wee.
Me: Yes, Eliza, boys have wee-wees, but not girls.
Eliza: Not Mommy and Eliza! No have no wee-wees. [And runs out of the bathroom]

[In the car, riding in silence while she eats a snack]
Eliza: Mama big.
Me: Yes, Eliza, Mommy IS big. ( Thanks for that. )
Eliza: Eliza is little, teeny-tiny.
Me: Yep, Eliza. I'm very big. You're very little.

[The morning after Adam and I returned from a false labor scare at the hospital]
Adam: Eliza, Mommy and Daddy went to the hospital last night because baby Owen's going to be here soon!
Eliza: [pauses and thinks for a moment] I'm so happy! Eliza going to be a big sister!
Adam: Yeah, Eliza, that's right. Mommy's home today, but she doesn't feel very good, so we have to take care of her.
Eliza: [grunting, with her arms in front of her] Ughhhh....she's so heavy!!

[All of us playing quietly in the basement one evening]
Eliza: What was that noise?
Me: What noise? I didn't hear any noises.
Eliza: Momma tooted! ( to be clear, I did NOT toot )
Me: Mommy didn't toot, Eliza! I think you tooted!
Eliza: No, I no toot.
[And as she walks past me, I catch a whiff of a fresh, crop-duster toot straight from Eliza's bottom. :) ]

There are so many more things that are share-worthy that just don't translate well in writing, or even second-hand through conversation, but suffice it to say that Eliza's much more entertaining as a companion these days!

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